Path Of Exile Brutus Fight Redesign
This is probably the biggest redesign i’ve done so far and man did it feel like it. I’m mostly happy with it, I got to the point where I had to move on with it to keep practicing. It consisted of 5 main abilities, ambience, foley and a lot of mixing.
My biggest struggle had to have been the Galvanic (electricity) Arrow. I recorded duct tape, aluminum foil, EMF, ripping paper and running them through a doppler effect. Alongside the foley of pulling the arrow, (ringing out my leather jacket) and the snapping (String) and a kick drum. I still feel it lacks a bit of a hit but I think it fits the fantasy of what I was going for
Another struggle that I had but conquered was the Ballista popping up sound. I started out with a base of earth moving, but was missing the mechanical aspect to it. I achieved this with kitchen gadgets and hand tools. Flinging things in random directions in different ways all over the place came yielded some interesting results.
all in all, I’ve learned so much doing this redesign and though it isn’t as perfect as I’d like, I think I did well.