Final Fantasy 14 Card Ability Redesign

This Anime-esk style sound design was incredibly tempermental to work with, which was completely my fault and inexperience with these types of sounds. So without further ado, here is how I accomplished these sounds:

First, I watched Marshal McGees youtube video: How to make anime-style sound effects from scratch || Waveform

Found here:

So naturally when I decided to do this Redesign, I referenced back to this. I used different Recordings, added different distortions and effects and most importantly; added too many layers!

I built this sound from the top down, higher frequencies to the lower because I felt that the higher frequency sounds were the most important. Though I still feel like that I might’ve neglected the lower frequencies a bit.

for the lower frequencies I tried something new, I bounced out my main sounds that made up most of the movement and body to the sound. Then I slightly moved the audio forward so it wouldn’t cause phase issues. I then added a sequence of Maxxbass and Rbass from Waves. Then finally finishing it off with a frequency shifter to add yet for bass frequencies. Then finished off with an EQ.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope that I’ve helped and given you some more Ideas for sound design!
