New World Coup De Grace Redesign

Believe it or not, most of this redesign is sound that I recorded of a shovel! Well, I’d say the second half of it. I believe this is extremely evident of that when you listen closely to the part when he takes the spear out of the ground.

I just went outside, made a large pile of loose dirt and went to town and that’s how I got the sound for the spear coming out of the dirt. For the impact, I went for an impactful version rather than realistic. So, I used a shovel hitting concrete from the same recording session. That layered with some metal hits and a few knife “shwing” sounds.

The first half is a probably 4 different whooshes layered and also smaller whooshes aligned at different times to make it sound like one long whoosh. My whooshes were a little lackluster, and I started adding too many whooshes to fill up the gaps. So I referenced back to a sound designer I often reference back to, David Dumais.

His video on whooshes here:

He has a lot of reat videos and offers free samples with every video, one of which I used here just because it fit so perfectly.

This was a fairly straight forward redesign, and mostly what I’m used to doing, but I think it came out pretty good!

Thank you,
